Corn is in! It is a meal accompaniment every second night or so...sweet delicious, 5 steps and 5 minutes from harvest to plate...what a pleasure.

It's so hot here that we are eating easy dinners that don't require long in the kitchen. Hamburgers are the easiest thing to make. Chicken burgers are also frugal and quick. I have figured out the perfect hamburger roll recipe.
Into my bread machine I put:
210ml milk
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup buter in small blocks
1 teaspoon salt
1 egg
2 3/4 cup bread flour
2 tablespoons usgar
1 sachet yeast
Set to dough cycle. When alarm goes shape quickly into rolls, this is a soft moist dough, do not overwork. Allow to rise slightly while oven heats, cook for 20 minutes at 180 deg C.