Being the cruel person that I am, I couldn't resist the opportunity to dress up Wiggle and Sofy and being the daft pair that they are, they didn't seem to mind!
I woke up in the early hours of this morning and found that we'd had snow!! More than at the weekend - the snow was still falling and when we got up to go for our walk, there had been a good couple of inches of snow.
Despite the sub-zero temperature, we went across to the field for our morning walk.....

One way to keep warm - go bonkers and run around!

Leads back on, ready to leave the snowy field and go home:

By the time I had to leave for work, the snow was falling again but thankfully the main roads were fairly clear. Unlike the driveway into work:

The golf course was closed due to the snow but the deer didn't seem to mind!

I got home from work early and Wiggle and Sofy have had some more play time in the field - lots of running around!