Are you sitting comfortably? On Tuesday 30 November the IPKat broke the news of the Virgin comfy chair patent decision of Mr Justice Arnold -- an unusual decision in which the court gave summary judgment in a patent infringement action -- but he didn't have time to comment on it. He has since received a neat little summary of the decision from his friends at Taylor Wessing, which he has gratefully posted after his own piece here. If you're not particularly interested in fancy aeroplane chairs and just want to read the judge's excellent summary of the principles of summary judgment and how they work in relation to patent claims, you can read that extract on PatLit here.
No more partying for Novartis. Talking of Mr Justice Arnold, that very same judge drew the Kats' attention to a recent Patents Court for England and Wales decision of Mr Justice Floyd in Daiichi Sankyo v Comptroller of Patents in which Novartis was not allowed to join this case as a party in order to participate in its reference to the Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling. Since the dispute involved the somewhat recondite topic of supplementary protection certificates for pharmaceutical patents, the Kats donated the case to The SPC Blog, which has recorded it here.

Grand unveiling in the offing. The International Trademark Association (INTA) is unveiling its new website on 6 January 2011. Members will be receiving further details, if they have not already done so. The IPKat warns that the current site at will be closed from 3 to 5 January in preparation for the big event, so if you are a real trade mark enthusiast you may want to take your three days of annual holiday then.

On Monday the IPKat scooped an English translation of the controversial Dutch decision in the Eyeworks case (here) on how copyright owners can actually benefit from the downloading of copyright-protected works from an unauthorised source. Later that same day the IPKat's benefactor Dirk Visser furnished a second English translation -- this time of another case that ran on much the same lines but was somewhat more complex. It has been posted on The 1709 Blog together with a short explanation here.