Lodhi-era tomb vandalized

It's a paradox of sorts. On one hand, the state government is making elaborate plans to conserve monuments in the city and on the other, a Lodhi-period tomb in south Delhi's Zamrudpur area is fast vanishing apathy and neglect.

Lodhi Tomb (15th c.) in Zamrudpur The structure has been vandalised and its front portion recently destroyed to make way for new constructions. And if that is not bad, whatever remains of the tomb has been encroached upon by locals.

Times City visited the spot and found that the main structure has been turned into a garbage dump by locals . The tomb has been walled in by adjacent houses. No one took responsibility for the demolition of the front portion of the tomb, but locals claimed that a panchayat or community centre is proposed to come up there.

"This portion was never a part of the monument. It was a barat ghar. With the help of local councillors and member of the legislative assembly from Greater Kailash Vijay Malhotra, efforts are on to rebuild the structure," Umesh Khattar, a local resident, claimed.

There are five Lodi-period tombs in the heart of Zamrudpur which have been identified for a facelift by INTACH and state archaeology department. Under their plan to notify 92 unprotected monuments in the city, the state department of archaeology has identified these heritage buildings for protection. Sources said the process for notification has already begun. The tombs have been graded A and B in terms of heritage importance by INTACH in their listing.

All the tombs are in dilapidated condition and encroached by locals. A senior official said: "As no efforts were made for the protection and conservation of these tombs, villagers have encroached upon them and defaced their facade. One of the tombs in Zamrudpur is being used as a junkyard by the house adjacent to it, while another has become a cow shed. A third tomb is hidden behind huge buildings and cannot be accessed. Another is squeezed between two residential buildings."

The tombs have been damaged in several places. Not realising the significance of these heritage structures, residents of Zamrudpur have been misusing them. Sources said conservation work will be difficult as there is stiff resistance from locals.

"Even during the survey, police protection was necessary as locals do not want these monuments to be notified as once that happens, they will be evicted," said a senior government official.

"We don't expect any cooperation from the villagers . But conservation is very critical as these monuments have to be salvaged. We need to acquire them at the earliest," said an official.

Source: The Times of India [December 06, 2010]

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