There have been allegations that Julian Assange is sympathetic towards Israel and that he has been keen not to publicise documents about the Israeli attacks on Lebanon and Gaza. (http://www.syriatruth.info/content/view/977/36/)
Where was Julian Assange, when he was on Interpol's wanted list?
Reportedly, he was in the UK.
And for more than a month the UK police knew his location.
On 2 December 2010, the UK's Daily Mail (Assange.) reported that 'Police in London say they have known the whereabouts of Julian Assange for more than a month'.
Assange "has been hiding in plain sight in Britain despite being on Interpol’s wanted list."
Interpol took out an arrest warrant against Assange following a request from Sweden, where he is wanted on charges of rape and sexual molestation.
On 2 December 2010, UK police officers said they were "yet to receive any official instructions to arrest him."

On 2 December 2010, Assange's London-based lawyer, Mark Stephens of Finers Stephens Innocent, said Assange was yet to receive formal notice of the allegations he faces. (Authorities seek WikiLeaks founder; website moves)
Stephens said that Assange had repeatedly offered to answer questions about the investigation, "to no avail."
Mark Stephens has represented the Jewish owned Express newspapers.
"Mark Stephens advised CNN, Express Newspapers and Fashion TV Russia, and successfully represented author Salman Rushdie." (Legal 500 Clients’ Guide to the UK Legal Profession 2009)
Is Mark Stephens a friend of Israel?
"Mark Stephens of Finer, Stephens, Innocent has threatened Derek Summerfield, the doctor who has been tirelessly campaigning against the complicity of the Israeli Medical Association and its President, Yoram Blachar, in the torture of Palestinians, with a libel suit if he doesn’t shut up...
"Presumably Mark Stephens is opposed to censorship except when it comes to torturers, Zionists or Zionist torturers." (Tony Greenstein's Blog: Not so Innocent – Index on Censorship ...)