Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- November 23, 2010

APPRECIATION DAY - Medal of Honor recipient U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Salvatore Giunta and his wife, Jennifer, stand as the audience applauds at Meadowlands Stadium in East Rutherford, N.J., Nov. 21, 2010. Giunta, who received recognition as part of the New York Jets Military Appreciation Day, is the award's first living recipient since the Vietnam War. U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Jeremy Bratt


JSF Contract Signed -- Aviation Week

Second Russian prototype fifth-generation fighter to fly before yearend -- RIA Novosti

Arms scandal threatens to undermine Sarkozy re-election bid -- EU Observer

Syrian, Hizballah's guided missiles defy Israel's aerial supremacy -- Debka Files

India Offered Eurofighter Blueprint in Contract Bid, Times Says -- Bloomberg

France Builds A Better MRAP -- Strategy Page

Brazil unveils massive navy buildup plans -- Space War

China’s military prowess on full display at air show -- Taipei Times

US crewless, automated ghost-frigate project takes shape -- The Register

Major AWACS upgrade begins -- U.S. Air Force

EADS Won't Rule Out Protest Over Tanker Mistake -- Defense News

A Little DAB for LockMar; JAGM Scores Hit
-- DoD Buzz

Humint Vs. Terrorism -- Defense Tech

Kansas wind farms don’t conflict with military operations, Army says -- Kansas City/AP

Mullen Outlines Progress, Shortfalls in Veteran Support -- U.S. Department of Defens

Grounded NASA Space Plane Poised for Comeback? -- Danger Room

7/7 inquests: MI5 fails in bid to keep evidence secret
-- The Telegraph

The Evolution of American Military Intelligence (1973) -- Secrecy News

Amateur Cryptographers Go Gaga Over New Kryptos Clue: B-E-R-L-I-N -- Discover

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