JSF Contract Signed -- Aviation Week
Second Russian prototype fifth-generation fighter to fly before yearend -- RIA Novosti
Arms scandal threatens to undermine Sarkozy re-election bid -- EU Observer
Syrian, Hizballah's guided missiles defy Israel's aerial supremacy -- Debka Files
India Offered Eurofighter Blueprint in Contract Bid, Times Says -- Bloomberg
France Builds A Better MRAP -- Strategy Page
Brazil unveils massive navy buildup plans -- Space War
China’s military prowess on full display at air show -- Taipei Times
US crewless, automated ghost-frigate project takes shape -- The Register
Major AWACS upgrade begins -- U.S. Air Force
EADS Won't Rule Out Protest Over Tanker Mistake -- Defense News
A Little DAB for LockMar; JAGM Scores Hit -- DoD Buzz
Humint Vs. Terrorism -- Defense Tech
Kansas wind farms don’t conflict with military operations, Army says -- Kansas City/AP
Mullen Outlines Progress, Shortfalls in Veteran Support -- U.S. Department of Defens
Grounded NASA Space Plane Poised for Comeback? -- Danger Room
7/7 inquests: MI5 fails in bid to keep evidence secret -- The Telegraph
The Evolution of American Military Intelligence (1973) -- Secrecy News
Amateur Cryptographers Go Gaga Over New Kryptos Clue: B-E-R-L-I-N -- Discover