Hughes and Huslia elders vist Alaska Native Language Archive

Earlier this month the Alaska Native Language Archive welcome fifteen visitors from the Koyukon-speaking villages of Hughes (Hut'odlee Kkaakk'et) and Huslia (Ts'aateyhdenaade Kk'onh Denh). Their visit was part of a larger visit to the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus hosted by the Gates of the Arctic National Park and the Alaska & Polar Regions Oral History Program. Archive founder Michael Krauss provided an introduction to the Archive and overview of the history of Koyukon language work. Although much of the Koyukon collection is current off-site as part of an ongoing cataloging project, the visitors were able to locate numerous language resources, including lists of clan names, unpublished stories, and prayer books.

Here are a few photos (thanks to Marla Statscewich for some of these).

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