Daily Education & Technology News for Schools 11/18/2010

  • Adobe is giving away a copy of the Adobe eLearning Suite (a $1,799US value!) to the educator who submits the highest rated eLearning and Collaboration resource on the Adobe Education Exchange during the month of November!

    When you join the Adobe Education Exchange before November 30, you also are automatically entered to win a copy of the Adobe Creative Suite 5 Master Collection software (a $2,499US value!).

    tags: education adobe

  • Important article about bullying by social media researcher-expert Danah Boyd that is right on the money. This is why I believe that projects like Digiteen where the kids research and talk and propose actions are so much more meaningful than these "assemblies" and "speeches" that are just fodder for humor and teenage satire.

    tags: education cyberbullying

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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