A Look At Today's "MASH" Units

Lt. Gen. (Dr.) James G. Roudebush, Air Force surgeon general, chats with a wounded Soldier returning from overseas during a visit to Malcolm Grow Medical Center's Aeromedical Staging Flight at Andrews Air Force Base, Md., June 26. The Soldier was secured to the litter to ensure no further injury during transport on the C-17 Globemaster III, which was flown by a crew from the Mississippi Air National Guard's 172nd Airlift Wing. With General Roudebush was Dr. S. Ward Casscells, the new assistant secretary of defense for health affairs. (U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Jeff Andrejcik)

U.S. Strategy For Treating Troops Wounded In Afghanistan, Iraq: Keep Them Moving -- Washington Post

AT BAGRAM AIR BASE, AFGHANISTAN Only the head and feet of Sgt. Diego Solorzano are visible outside his camouflage blanket and below the skyline of medical devices keeping him alive

Clamped to his litter is an over-the-legs shelf. On it are three vacuum canisters putting gentle suction on wounds in Solorzano's thighs and abdomen, two IV pumps delivering drugs to his veins, a ventilator breathing for him, and a monitor recording his pulse, EKG rhythm and blood pressure.

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My Comment: For those who are interested in medical issues and stories, this is a fascinating read.

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