A day in Katy

Yesterday we had a wonderful day, spent with a church in Katy, Texas who has adopted the Tonga of Mozambique and who will be working with us to reach out to them. They have already sent several small teams to during the past year and we are looking forward to hosting more teams in the following years and working with them.

I did a book signing and we also sold 2011 fundraising calendars with photos from Africa and handmade bracelets by one our our Mozambique disciples. All proceeds went to the ECHO Project, a ministry we will be launching later this week that will help with the physical needs of those we are working with. Details coming soon! As you can see, Mariah loved helping with the money.

Also, in connection with our traveling and visiting churches, we had some updated photos of our family taken this last week, so I thought I'd share one. It's hard for even me to believe how big the kids are getting.

Be blessed today,


Photos by Tracy

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