The CIA and the Pentagon want to do to Yemen what they are doing to Pakistan, and what they have already done to Iraq and Afghanistan.
After Yemen will eventually come Saudi Arabia.
"In February of 1975 the London Sunday Times revealed information from a leaked and classified US Department of Defense plan.
"The plan, drawn up by the Pentagon, was code named 'Dhahran Option Four' and provided for an invasion of the world's largest oil reserves, namely Saudi Arabia." - (Who Really Wants to Invade Saudi Arabia, and Why?) - Who can Saudi Arabia trust?
A plan to split Saudi Arabia gives the Saudis the holy sites and us the oil - New Statesman - The secret partition
Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri (Aseery) is alleged to be the bomb maker in:
(1) the failed Yemen parcel bomb plot of October 2010
(2) the failed attempt to kill Saudi counter-terrorism chief Prince Mohammed bin Nayef in August 2009
(3) the failed Christmas bombing by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Underpants Bomber.
(U.S. eyeing Saudi-born bombmaker in parcel bomb plot / Yemen parcel bombmaker believed to be al Qaeda terrorist Ibrahim ...)

UK journalist Con Coughlin, who is believed to be an asset of MI6 (Con Coughlin and MI6-Mossad propaganda), writes:
"Not since the 1988 Lockerbie bombing of Pan Am flight 103 (aangirfan: LOCKERBIE IS ABOUT HEROIN), which killed 270 people, has a terror group sought to smuggle primed explosive devices in the cargo holds of commercial aircraft...
"In February 2006 ... 23 suspected al-Qaeda members managed to escape from a prison in Sana'a, including the alleged mastermind of USS Cole attack.
"Nasser Abdul Karim al-Wuhayshi, a former personal assistant to bin Laden in Afghanistan, was another escaper ."
The boss of the Yemen al Qaeda militants is said to be AL-AWLAKI OF THE CIA?