What to say...

I've always wondered if I would have anything to blog about if I lived full time in the US. I mean, life would busy and eventful, but who really wants to hear about a trip to Target or how much time it took to drive the kids to soccer practice during rush hour. At least in Africa, life always seems like an adventure, and I can blog about elephant stampedes, power outages, and exotic illnesses.

But now I'm here in the US where I've been pondering lately what to blog about. We're busy, like everyone else, and life seems to run a lot faster here. I'm convinced this is because there is simply more things available to do. With everyone having their own personal transportation and a good road system, it's easy to go where you want to go and fit more (and more) things into your day.

One of the things I'm thankful for here is both the opportunities and choices available, but while we are busy with running and connecting with people on furlough, I see everyone else running around me as well, many of them tired and stressed.

For the past couple years, I've followed Chip MacGregor's blog. He is a well-known literary agent in the Christian market that I was blessed to be able to hear speak at a conference a few years back. Yesterday, I was struck about some things he wrote on his blog. He and his wife have spent the past year trying to downsize their lives and live simpler. Opportunities are everywhere, yes, but he's chosen to focus on doing a few things well. He's even decided to quick blogging.

Toward the end of his post, he writes "I just want to put my head down, and love Jesus, and work on books. Maybe do some effective ministry in the lives of people...I was reading my bible the other day, and was struck by Saint Paul's words to his protege, Timothy, he continues. "Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life."

A quiet life.

So what does that really mean? Simple? Boring? To me it actually sounds peaceful, calming, inviting. Can we really find simplicity, quiet, and rest?

I think so.

I also believe that this statement translates to our lives wherever we live. For me, the verse is a reminder to think about what is really important to me and focus on those things. Do them well. Live in peace. Take time to enjoy life. Live a quiet life.

But how? Slow down? I know. It seems impossible when you look at your schedule, your calendar, and the demands on your life. And life is more than just going from one meeting to the next. Emotionally, life is full of ups and downs, unexpected engagements, loss, love, death, sickness, and triumphs. But in the midst of all of this, how often do we stop be still? How often to I really connect with my children, with my husband and friends without multitasking or worrying about where I have to go next?

So here's my list of how I want to live a more simple, quiet life so I can make the most of each moment.

Live everyday for Him. Simply. Honestly. Passionately. 100 percent.

Support my husband unselfishly.

Be there for my children, without distractions.

See those around me and move out of my comfort zone to connect, minister to, and listen to.

Don't buy what I don't need. Don't covet what I don't need. Be content with what I have.

Never take for granted the freedoms and opportunities I have.

Impact someone's life for the better today.

Take time to stop and notice something in God's creation today.

What about you? I'd love to hear what you have to say about living a quiet life.

Be blessed,


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