U.K. Defense Cuts -- News Roundup

A quarter of the civilian posts at the Ministry of Defence will be cut over the next five years Photo: Alex Segre / Alamy

Defence Review: Cameron Unveils Armed Forces Cuts -- BBC News

Harrier jump jets, the Navy's flagship HMS Ark Royal and planned Nimrod spy planes are to be axed and 42,000 MoD and armed forces jobs cut by 2015.

Unveiling the strategic defence review, PM David Cameron said defence spending would fall by 8% over four years.

The RAF and navy will lose 5,000 jobs each, the Army 7,000 and the Ministry of Defence 25,000 civilian staff.

Axing the Harrier and Ark Royal means no planes will be able to fly from British aircraft carriers until 2019.

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More News U.K. Defense Cuts

UK Strategic Defence and Security Review [PDF] -- Complete Report

FACTBOX-Britain's Strategic Defence Spending Review - details -- Reuters
Britain plans sweeping military cutbacks to close budget gap -- L.A. Times
Britain announces major military cutbacks -- Washington Post
U.K. cuts defense spending, projects -- UPI
Britain Cuts Defense Spending -- Voice of America
UK Publishes Strategic Defence and Security Review -- Defpro
Lots of Losers in U.K. Defense Review -- Defense News

U.K. to Postpone Trident Modernization -- Global Security Newswire
Defence review: £3.6billion Nimrod programme scrapped -- The Telegraph
UK to spend £650m on new National Cyber Security Programme -- Info Security
Defence review: security services to receive extra funds for terror attacks -- The Telegraph

U.K. Defense Cuts a Death Knell for Smaller Defense Firms -- Wall Street Journal
Industry seeks more clarity on cuts -- Financial Times
Companies Affected by U.K. Defense Cuts -- Wall Street Journal
UK defence firms can absorb military spending cuts -- BBC

What does the spending review mean for security policy? -- BBC
Defence review: Can Britain still pack a punch? -- The Telegraph
Britain’s Biggest Security Threat -- Newsweek
UK military 'still first rate', says US -- Defense Management
British Forces: Still Punching Above Their Weight? -- Time Magazine
Defense Review: Painful, but not fatal -- The Economist
UK Cuts Preview For US: CSIS -- DoD Buzz

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