Three's a Crowd

I'm pregnant. And you should know that you are not the only person who didn't know.  I haven't really told anyone yet, not even my mom! Well, bob of course knows and we told Tucker last night. He informed me that he wants a boy baby that walks.  We will see. I wanted to do kind of an experiment and just let people find out as they read the blog.  So the people who read the most regularly will be the first to know.  It might be helpful if you post a comment or give me a call when you find out that way I will know who knows.  I'm about 9 weeks along and due on May 15th.  I wont find out if it is a boy or girl until about 20 weeks so don't bother asking.

Bob and I are very excited and feel lucky and blessed to have gotten pregnant after just one month of trying.  We can't wait to bring another baby into this world.  It has been difficult for me to hide it this long because I don't like lying to people and I also have been feeling pretty sick.  I am at least twice as tired as usual and although I haven't thrown up my stomach feels like it wants to all the time.  So if you have stopped by and noticed my house is always a mess these days or seen me out and about with no make up on and what looks like pajamas I have an excuse so give me a break.  It has been so hard for me to take care of the kids and just do everyday things like grocery shopping lately.  Bob has to make dinner almost everyday and we end up getting fast food (yuck) about three times a week because I can barely make dinner and definitely do not have the energy to clean up after it.  Ok, I think that is enough complaining for now. 
Here is the ultra sound I got yesterday.  The baby is only about an inch from head to bum.  And i know it will be hard for many to make out but the head is the circle to the left and just under that and to the right is the body. You can kinda see the baby's shoulders but you wont really be able to see the arms or legs.  Everything looks normal so far.

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