Stanley Fish, do yourself a favor and cram it

This is an excellently argued piece by Joshua Landy on why Stanley Fish got it spectacularly wrong in the NYT. I'm pretty sick of the bowing competition over which humanist can diss humanism the most. Time to stand up, folks!

Fish's piece shows you why Graham Harman is spot on about the way the avant garde has become the new oppressive normal. (He makes this argument many times in many media.)

Fish's piece is a symptom of contemporary nihilism. You better believe this is an ontological war.

One big reason why I love OOO is it gives us another choice, a potentially post-capitalist choice I believe, via a return to Aristotle remixed for the twenty-first century. It gets us out of the current Sophie's choice between:

1) The essence is elsewhere (capital, heaven, the other, the beyond)
2) There is no essence

Stick that in yer pipe and smoke it Fish!

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