Scottsboro will have a splash pad similar to this one in Gardendale, Al. Date of completion is expected by May 2011. The location will be across from the RecCom where the current children's playground is located. "Total cost for the facility will be less than $440,000," stated Scottsboro's Mayor Melton Potter. Read more in the Mayors report section below.
The City Council meeting continuation from last Monday's meeting was closed. The continuation was for the approval of the Service Road $6 million dollar recovery zone bond issue. However, the approval of the issue has been postponed to later in the month.
Outline of last night's city council work session. 1) Micah Way in front of Scottsboro High School to the northeast Wal-Mart shopping Center entrance will be closed on October 18, 2010 from 3-7PM. 2) Discussion concerning the appointment of a CDA, Commercial Development Authority, member. One member resigned due to moving from the area. Council decided they will accept the reapplication to fill the position which expires March 2011. A formal announcement and approval will be made at next Mondays regular city council meeting. 3) Airport Manager job description discussion concerning updates. The current manager of the facility will retire in Nov. 2010. 4) Text messaging ordinance discussion. Discussed sign warnings on roadways and whether they will adopt an ordinance similar to Huntsville/Madison, Al. which cites driver violations when subsequent charges are made or Deatur, Al ordinance which cites drivers for the violation of "Texting." The issue will be on next Mondays agenda. 5) Department Head reclassification issue removed from agenda. (see article below) 6) Solid Waste Organizational Chart discussion concerning proposed changes.
Reports: 1) The Mayor mentioned the Splash Park will be built by J.A. Dawson Inc. of Pelham, Al.. It was stated the contractor is on the Alabama State Bid List so the project will not have to be bid. The estimated cost will be $403,317.35, this includes concrete pad, fixtures and all equipment. The addition of a fence, landscaping, pavilion and other improvements is estimated at approximately $35,000. Total cost not to exceed $440K. 2) Budget Hearings will begin today, Oct 5, 2010 at 4PM, Scottsboro City Hall.