October 31, 2010

White Dog and The Other White Dog positioned themselves in the "ready" position at 8:30 this morning in preparation for trick-or-treaters. WD was at the window perch and TOWD at the front door. They watched, morphing into woofing howling Halloween Hounds at every little noise...none were tricksters. At 9:30 both were napping comfortable at the posts. At 11 when Steve said, "Let's get ready everyone, Michael needs to get to the shelter!" both White Dogs were over the Halloween anticipation. White Dog popped in to see the pups at the adoption center and to drop off her bag of treats and then we (minus Michael) were off to gather Dragon, Gregg, and Candace for a walk in the Bosque.

It was a glorious golden afternoon. After a brief chance to flush roadrunners, White Dog decided to stay with me under the glimmering cottonwoods and The Other White Dog went with Steve to "train" for next week's 2MillionDog Puppy Up! Walk. Dragon and his parents were coming off a horror work schedule (Candace was so late every night that she took Dragon to work with her everyday) and were glad to just be in fresh air. While the others trekked, White Dog and I listened to the leaves rustle and migrating geese "talk" and we read a bit of our novel (Dance With The White Dog).

After, it seemed like a perfect day for Mexican seafood from our favorite little spot and we enjoyed fish tacos, and crab enchiladas, and shellfish caldo, and mixed grill. The pups had their own little feast of chicken flautas and roasted beef. The wonderful owner and his sons always stop at our table to ask about all of the pups and to chat for a moment...and today when the check came the usual hard candies were replaced with a generous gift certificate. "Happy Halloween! Come Back soon" said the note.

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