No pudgy cats with the cat-dancer

It is teaming rain here today so I am in relaxing and playing with my cats. My #1  2-thumbs and 4-paws up favorite cat toy is the cat-dancer. It never fails..I can get every one of my old cats up off their behinds and they are ballet-ing across the room to catch the little make-believe bug. I tried chasing it myself but I made too much noise (apparently) so I guess I will stick to sit-ups. Rae-Rae has come so close to a concussion from jumping in the air in pursuit of this cardboard bug that I now have to be sure she is on a carpet or something a little softer than the hard-wood floor. She Loves It!

Do purchase one of these and you will have more laughs and your kitty will get more exercise than ever before. One of these would make a great stocking stuffer for your cat.

 Lots of bookings coming in for Christmas. I look so forward to seeing all these cats, some that I haven't seen in a long time and at Christmas an added bonus...Christmas Trees all decorated and brightly lit. I am always amazed at how the cats don't bother the Christmas tree while their owners are out spreading Christmas cheer. Now that is cats....not kittens. That would be a different story.

hugs, Deb

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