I know lots of you envy my chance to attend lectures and would love to learn more. All over the world there are lots of Egyptology Societies who hold lectures and events and welcome new members. I would be quite happy to publicise any of these just send me an email. I have set up a new label so you can find them on the blog. Notice on this one there is a lecture by Dr Elena whose tomb and lecture I have reported on so even in the depths of the UK you can find out the latest.


Venue: New Walks Museum, Leicester
Meetings commence at 2pm
Non-members welcome - £3.50 per meeting

Programme Secretary: Dylan Bickerstaffe. Tel: 01509 650304
Secretary: Trisha Mason. 01455 614741 or trishamason @ sky.com


September 25th Andrew Collins, Author and Researcher (with Nigel Skinner-Simpson) – Subterranean Giza: The Rediscovery
of the Cave System found by Henry Salt and Giovanni Caviglia in 1817.

October 16th Barry Kemp, The Amarna Trust - The dead of Amarna and what they are telling us; an update on the current
cemetery excavations.

November 20th Peter Clayton, International Best-Selling Author and Finds Specialist – Jewels of the Pharaohs

December 18th Joyce Filer, formerly Curator of Human & Animal Remains, BM Dept. Ancient Egypt & Sudan – The
Adventures of Some Egyptian Mummies


January 15th Elena Pischikova, South Asasif Conservation Project – Rediscovered Kushite Tombs of the South Asasif:
Seasons 2009-2010.

February 19th Lise Manniche, Assistant Professor in Egyptology at the University of Copenhagen - The Colossal Statues of
Akhenaten from Karnak

March 19th Martin Davies, Vice President of the EES & President of The Egypt Society of Bristol – Ancient Egyptian
Tomb Models of Daily Life

April 16th Geoffrey Martin, Edwards Professor of Egyptology Emeritus, University College London – Re-excavating the
Royal Tomb of Horemheb in the Valley of the Kings

May 21st Victor Blunden, Manchester Ancient Egypt Society - Building a Pyramid - The Archaeological Evidence

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