HERO KEVIN BRACKEN - Australian trade union president says 9/11 was a conspiracy

Kevin Bracken. Picture: Mike Keating Source: HWT Image Library

Australian trade union president Kevin Bracken is a hero.

Kevin Bracken says terrorists had nothing to do with 9/11.

(Trades Hall president Kevin Bracken calls 9/11 'conspiracy' / Australian trade union president claims 9/11 was a conspiracy )

Kevin Bracken says 9 11 was a conspiracy.

Bracken said:

"I believe the official story is a conspiracy theory that doesn't stand up to scientific scrutiny.

"In my mind the buildings were imploded."

"Aviation fuel doesn't get hot enough to melt steel and no high rise steel frame building before or after September 11 has ever collapsed due to fire."

Kevin Bracken talked to Jewish radio host Jon Faine, friend of Israel's Mark Regev.

In 2006 Kevin Bracken told The Australian he believed the American Government was involved.

Bracken said:

"If they want to stop terrorism they've got to look at who was really behind September 11.

"It couldn't have happened unless there was participation from key elements of the American military and government and security services.

"I am not saying the whole lot were involved. But I believe the official story for September 11 doesn't stack up."

Jew Jon Faine and Jew Mark Regev

Mr Bracken said he had the support of 50 per cent of the community.

Australian prime minister Julia Gillard, allegedly a friend of the CIA and Mossad, has dismissed as "stupid and wrong" Mr Bracken's belief.

“Obviously I don’t agree with the remarks, obviously they are stupid and wrong,” Ms Gillard said.

In Victoria, Shadow Attorney General and alleged friend of the CIA Robert Clarke said Mr Bracken's comments were a direct insult to Australian soldiers serving in Afghanistan.

The Australian trade union secretary, and alleged friend of the CIA, Brian Boyd said Mr Bracken did not speak on behalf of the organisation.

"The official Trades Hall position is not to entertain that theory," Mr Boyd said.

"We had almost 3000 working people killed in that terrorist attack. It was a terrorist attack, and we condemn it."

MUA union national secretary, and alleged friend of the CIA, Paddy Crumlin distanced the union from the comment.

"The 9/11 tragedy was a result of a terrorist attack by international terrorists who claimed responsibility," he said.


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