Al Qaeda Spreads To Tajikistan

Al-Qaeda Training Camp Uncovered In Tajikistan -- The Telegraph

Tajik troops have waged close quarter battles with al-Qaeda terrorists after uncovering a training camp in a remote valley that triggered warnings militants are spreading out of Afghanistan into its Central Asian neighbours.

The discovery prompted warnings that militants are spreading out of Afghanistan and into its gas and oil-rich Central Asian neighbours.

Insurgents led by Abdullo Rakhimov, a warlord who is one of Central Asia's most senior followers of Osama bin Laden, were thought to be training in camps in the Rasht valley, 30 miles north of the country's border with Afghanistan.

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My Comment: Unlike Afghanistan, many of these Central Asia countries are oil rich and play a vital role in supplying the worlds energy needs. The prospect of Al Qaeda branching into these regions is troublesome at best, disastrous at worse.

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