I was completely dismayed when I discovered they took the former paperless process and turned it to a paper-filled process. Now, rather than going to a booth and flipping dials to vote for your candidate, you fill this out on a piece of paper. Then you take the paper to a machine where it’s scanned. All of a sudden the paperless process is gone and voting is needlessly resulting in the unnecessary death of trees. Additionally, the process has become more cumbersome. I now need to fill in a scantron, then scan my paper, whereas previously I just made my selection and waa-laaaa. I was done.
I’m all about updating a system, but this is no update to the voter. We need to complete an extra step and the paperless system is no longer. I say Facebook should get in the game of voting. Let us log on to our computers using Facebook or perhaps open ID and make our selections from home. The technology is here, we’d save a pretty penny on all the workers we hire that day and we’d save a lot of trees.