Written by Jayne Hollinson, directed by Tim Dowd
Rosie is accusing her father and mother of being anti-gays. Kevin even tries calling his sister Debbie. Kev tells Rosie that he just wants to make sure that Sophie is well, and he doesn’t care what she is. Molly is three days late and just wants the baby to come, and is short with Tyrone when he wants to go check in on the Websters to see if they’ve heard from Sally. He doesn’t care. At the garage, they get a call for a breakdown. Immediately after, Kev gets a call saying that someone has spotted Sophie. Tyrone says he’ll go on the break down while Kev goes and takes the lead.
Kev is back with Sally and it turns out it wasn’t Sophie after all. Meanwhile, Molly’s water has broken and she’s begun to have contractions. She goes to the garage looking for Tyrone, but Kev tells her he’s out on a break down and Molly is upset. As she tries to go back home, Sally notices her crouched over and calls on Kev to help. They can’t get a hold of Tyrone since he’s held up. Molly continues to yell at them saying that she wants Tyrone, NOT them, especially NOT Kevin. When Sally’s gone, she mouths off at Kevin about how this is all his fault and how he shouldn’t be there. Tyrone is stuck behind some jerk in a truck delivering boxes of cat product. Back at home, the baby’s coming.
Ashley’s having a hard time getting his boys ready for school without Claire there and Graeme isn’t helping things. Sunita’s happy that Aadi will almost come back home and when Graeme’s in the shop, he tells them off about putting the Peacock’s in a state. He tells the Alahan’s how Claire went off to her mum’s because of all the accusations, and Dev assumes she went away because she was guilty. I really can’t stand Dev.
Michelle is out to badmouth Kylie again and figures that any mum who got her child taken off of her doesn’t deserve sympathy in her book. Oh, I almost forgot what “mum of the year” Michelle Connor was. Blargh. Michelle tells Kylie that everyone has a sob story and that her Ryan’s dad died when he was little but you don’t see her milking it. Becky warns Michelle that if she doesn’t butt out she’ll have to deal with her. Michelle sarcastically says she’s terrified and Liz says it’s the last time she tells Michelle anything.
Kylie couldn’t give a toss about Michelle. Kylie has to be in court next week for her custody hearing for Max. Becky thinks they need to get their acts together, but Kylie is more defeatest about it all. Becky feels bad that she’s not there for her sister, so she gives Kylie her own keys to the Rovers flat and Kylie is elated. Becks also tells Kyle that she’ll help her find a job too, this way she can get Max back.
Anna’s happy now that Gary is back home on leave, and he’s brought his friend Quinny. Not as happy as Kylie seems to be when she sees the two will-be soldiers. Anna’s not happy to see Kylie around her son and his friend thinking that Gary’s too good for the likes of her. Heck, she’s probably right.
Ken is still trying to get in contact with Lawrence’s son James. Ken thinks he could be able to help and Deirdre snarkily thinks he’s being nosy and mightier-than-thou. She compares Ken and his sons to Russian dolls.
Trev yawns from working his bin-man hours. Carla complains about it, and teases him about working with her and he wouldn’t be tired. She wants Trev to be her new under manager, but Trev isn’t so sure. I might add that I love how she hasn’t consulted Nick one bit on this.
Written by Jayne Hollinson, directed by Tim Dowd
Sally helps Molly onto the couch as she’s in labour now waiting for the ambulance to come. Molly screams about how it should be Tyrone and not Kevin there. Sally thinks she’s just delirious. Tyrone’s dealing with this jerk delivery guy who is blocking the road. The nerve of this guy. They get into a scuffle and the delivery guy throws Tyrone’s keys into the bushes then drives away. As Tyrone can’t find the keys he decides to hot wire the truck in a panic. Well, the police see this and he gets questioned. Can anything else go wrong? The baby’s coming and Sally’s grabbed a towel and rolled up her sleeves in case the ambulance doesn’t arrive soon enough. Molly pushes, and *pop* out comes the baby just as Tyrone gets there and the ambulance. Baby Dobbs has arrived and everyone is happy, that is, except for Kevin.
Ken tells Emily about his newfound family and how Deirdre isn’t happy about it all. Ken doesn’t really care what Deirdre thinks and is more interested in his new family. Ken goes on about how much he has in common with Lawrence. Emily wants to know if Peter has met them, but Ken doesn’t think that Lawrence and Peter have much in common. James arrives at the pub to see Ken and Ken tells him that he looks a lot like his grandmother. James tells Ken that he’s pursuing a career as a musician and Ken thinks that’s admirable. Ken wants to know why there’s such a rift between he and his father. Lawrence arrives unexpectedly and there is tension between father and son. Ken pleads with them to sit with him and have a civilized discussion.
A they’re speaking, Peter walks into the pub and sees Ken with his other family. He doesn’t seem happy to see them and probably because he wasn’t invited. He gets up on Ken’s back about all the other families he has. Peter joins this branch of the Barlows and tells Lawrence and James how Ken is a “veritable oak tree” and has another son as well. Ken takes his new son and grandson back home and finds that James is gay and that is why there is tension between he and Lawrence. It would seem that Lawrence is more than a bit of a homophobe. Lawrence tells Ken that he’s got enough problems of his own and he leaves following his son James. So much for Ken saving the day!
In the pub, Kylie lays it out for the two soldiers: she’s going to sleep with one of them, she’s just not sure which one yet. Anna gets angry when Kylie snogs Gary in the pub accusing Kylie of soliciting business. Meanwhile, Becky is having a chat with Liz about her sister Kylie and how she doesn’t know where she stands with her. Liz says that’s natural, since that’s how siblings are and to stop beating herself up about it.
Trev gets back to Carla and tells her that if she still wants, he can work for her. He’ll put his notice in. Carla introduces Trev as the new manager to Nick and Nick’s shocked. Janice overhears and looks equally shocked. Nick says that Trev isn’t working for that company, but Carla pulls rank. Janice asks Trev about why he’s doing this and tells him that he sounds like Carla, not himself. He scoffs at this and walks away.
- Trev about Graeme’s housing situation and lack of love life with Tina: “Don’t worry, once you do get the chance, it’ll be explosive.” Graeme: “That’s what I’m worried about!”
- Graeme proposing to Josh that they play truant for the day from school and work. Ha-ha.
- Becky’s “it’s all ‘bout me” shirt. Isn’t.it.just.
- Sally to Molly in labour, “Have you thought of names? I always liked Dawson meself, because Dawson’s Creek was on the telly. If Kev and me had a son that’s what we would have called him.” Awk-ward.
- Yay! Gary’s back! Okay, selfish “highlight” on my part – kill me!
- Molly in labour, “It hurts.” No kidding.
- The pathetic little shoving match between Tyrone and “van guy” and when Tyrone kicks him in the shins, then says “ha” when he falls to the ground. lol.
- Gary regarding Kylie, “Leave it mum, I’ve come home to relax.” Anna: “Yeah, not go back with the clap.”
- James, “Dad doesn’t have conversations, he has monologues.” Perhaps James needs to be introduced to Deirdre.
- Kev calling his sister Debbie and her asking “who is this?” and him having to say “Kevin, your brother!” Ha-ha.
- How THICK is Dev? Both Graeme and his wife both telling him that he cannot go around accusing people of things. Good gawd, I hope to see the back of him.
- What’s with that tow truck being involved in every emergency regarding “Molvin?”