Pomegranate: Thu Aug 26, 2010 Corrie Episode Review


Written by Damon Rochefort, directed by Pip Short

Becky is back on the fags, after trying to hard to quit!  Becky figures they were doomed to adopt anyway.  Dawn comes over to discuss what happened at panel and when sheAug-26-2010-Kylie-Becky-fight goes to use the loo, Becky sneaks through her paperwork and finds her sister’s contact info.  Uh-oh.  Becky’s on her way to a strange house, when it’s clear that it’s the one that Kylie lives in.  After a serious little scuffle, Kylie finds from Becky that their mum passed away and softens.  She lies to Becky about living there with a husband when in reality it was just a house that she used to clean and still Aug-26-2010-Kylie-drunk had the key for.  Becky gets Lloyd to drive her around to find Kylie.  She finds Kylie drinking a bottle of cider, Becky style, in a park somewhere.  It’s clear to Becky that Kylie is homeless so she takes it upon herself to bring her sister back to the Rovers.  Steve’s introduced to “Kylie, me sister” and he’s completely confused I’m sure.  Becky thinks she can do for Kylie what Roy and Hayley did for her. 

Natasha and Nick are still blissfully in “unlove” or whatever you want to call it.  Natasha’s trying her best to get knocked up again and godAug-26-2010-Natasha-worried knows it won’t work.  Natasha’s lies are going to get even worse since now’s she’s getting funnelled into an early pregnancy class at the medical centre by Fiz and John.  Natasha tries to avoid it, but Nick thinks it’s important and signs them up.  

The Webster family awaits Sophie’s exam results and guess what?  She’s the genius in the family.  Tell us something we didn’t know.  Oh, Aug-26-2010-Sophie-Sian-kiss Rosie says she didn’t know to pronounce pomegranate, only, she just did.  Lovely.  The Websters are so interesting these days.  Sophie gets permission to ring Sian and see how she did on her exams.  Kevin figures they should lift the Sian-ban since Sophie did well on her exams. 

Over at Claire’s she’s got her kids and the Alahan’s, plus Simon.  Claire gets a call from her mum and it’s an emergency.  She runs to the get Sunita, only they’ve already left to their dinner.  She finds Sophie and Sian in the shop and Sophie offers to watch the kids so she can go see her mum.  While Sophie is upstairs with Asha and Josh, Simon and Aadi argue over a video game and Simon accidentally pushes Aadi on the floor where he falls and hits his head.  Simon apologizes, but Aadi says his head still hurts.  Later, when the kids areAug-26-2010-Eileen-drunk in bed, Sophie and Sian are snogging on the couch when Claire walks in.  Claire pretends not to see anything and promises that she won’t tell Sally that Sian is there. 

Well, this is awkward, Eileen asks Liz where she thinks that Owen should take her out tonight.  Liz clearly had a thing for Owen.  Looks like Eileen made a fool of herself by getting completely bladdered on their date.  Owen tells the story to Liz back at the pub and even brought Liz back a doggie bag, to which she’s chuffed.  Eileen makes a fool of herself further by asking Owen up to hers for sex, er, a “nightcap” and he declines since he wouldn’t want to take advantage.  Owen drops her off and thanks her for a lively evening and can hardly get into her place she’s so drunk! 


- Funny scene with Becky, Liz and Steve all smoking.  Oh, boy.  Aug-26-2010-Becky-Steve-Liz-ciggies

- Nick: “You’re an animal!” Natasha: “lightweight.” 

- Eileen: “Do you fancy coming in for a nightcap?  Or do you not wear them?  Haha.  When I say nightcap, I mean sex.”  Haha.


- Becky started smoking again! Dumb.

- Is it ironic that the only “B” that Sophie got was in religious studies?

- Liz is happy to get a doggie bag from a restaurant that a man that she’s interested in took another woman to?  What? 

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