Memorial for My Father

This weekend the extended family is making a pilgrimage to the Catskill Mountains where we spent summers as kids. We city kids were so lucky to have two months every year to get lost in the woods, dig up earthworms as bait for fishing expeditions, swim in an isolated mountain lake, have campfires with roasted marshmallows and silly songs, play endless games of canasta and hide and seek....and be a family together.

We are returning to the place of many of our best times to remember my father. It's a testament to how well he was loved that relatives from all over are gathering.
His rabbi said he was an "adam shem tov," a man of good name. He was the most good man I know. He is why I married a very good man.

He taught me about happiness and he taught me how not to throw a baseball like a girl.

I love you Dad and will always miss you. Have a good passage.

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