I need to stop my pre-occupation with taking pictures of sweet things I think. At least, I need to for now, because I should be thinking of a project to kick off my final year in Falmouth! I'm thinking I need something short, quick turnover to get me in the drawing mood again. So, I have nothing new to show you for the moment, the main reason being I have been holding my camera instead of a pencil. Another slight issue is that my printer/scanner is in Falmouth too, so even if I drew something I wouldn't be able to show a good copy. For now, here is a little snippet from one of my projects I did in second year, all about... you guessed it, food! It was a few speculative artworks/page layouts for a book that would be a recipe book and a book about the history of baking. This image is from a page about Queen Victoria, and her namesake the Victoria Sponge.