English Channel Swimmer Sets Sights On Strait of Gibraltar

Yesterday I posted a story about quadruple amputee Philippe Crozon, who swam across the English Channel this past weekend in 13.5 hours with the help of specially designed prosthetic legs with built in flippers. Now, according to the Washington Post, the Frenchman has even bigger plans for a future swim.

After completing the 21 mile crossing of the Channel, Crozon announced that he next hopes to conquer the Strait of Gibraltar, a narrow strip of water that separates Europe from Africa near the mouth of the Mediterranean Sea. The Strait is just 9 miles wide, but offers a different challenge from the Channel in that the waters are much rougher and there can be a lot of shipping traffic moving through the area as well. No date has been set for this attempt just yet, but he hopes to make it in a year or so after completing more training.  (Thanks to the Outside Blog for the tip!)

Checkout the video below about Crozon's Channel swim which comes our way courtesy of Newsy.com.

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