Afghanistan War News Updates -- September 13, 2010

Nato Urged To Allow Partition Of Afghanistan -- The Telegraph

Afghanistan should be allowed to partition along ethnic lines by pulling back Nato forces and acknowledging that the Taliban will not be defeated in their heartland, a senior former American national security adviser has warned.

Robert Blackwill, who was Condolezza Rice's deputy as National Security Adviser in 2003 to 2004, will use a speech at the International Institute of Strategic Studies think tank in London on Monday to call on President Barack Obama to make drastratic changes in the war's objectives.

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More News On Afghanistan

NATO: Airstrikes kill 14 insurgents in Afghanistan -- AP
Air strikes kill 14 in Afghanistan: NATO -- AFP
2 killed in Afghan anti-Quran-burning protest -- AP
Demonstration against Koran-burning plan turns deadly in Afghanistan -- L.A. Times
2 killed in Afghan protest over Quran-burning plan -- CNN
Koran burning threat sparks Afghan protests -- BBC
Taliban 'surge' leaves Afghanistan less secure -- The Age
Efforts to Recruit Pashtuns in Afghan South Falter -- Wall Street Journal
Safety in Afghanistan getting worse -- UPI
Security in Afghanistan Is Deteriorating, Aid Groups Say -- New York Times
War in Afghanistan News 13 Sep 2010 -- War On Terrorism News

British troops in Afghanistan face heroin smuggling probe -- AFP
British, Canadian troops may have smuggled Afghan heroin, reports say -- Globe And Mail
British troops investigated for heroin smuggling -- BBC

Afghanistan Blunts Anticorruption Efforts -- Wall Street Journal
NATO says new contracting rules will help eliminate Afghan corruption -- Washington Post
Petraeus issues Afghan contracting guidance -- Army Times/AP
US mulls new anti-corruption strategy in Afghanistan -- New York Post
Afghan government struggling to keep support of Islamic council -- Washington Post
Karzai calls for new approach to terrorism fight as Afghans mark 9/11 -- Washington Post
Poll violence, fraud could fuel anger against Karzai, U.S. -- McClatchy News
U.S. troop convoys provide security as Afghan elections loom -- Washington Examiner
Despite Rising Casualties in Afghanistan, Obama Avoids Vietnam Comparison -- Wall Street Journal
Taliban: The True Story of the World's Most Feared Fighting Force by James Fergusson -- The Guardian
Public support for war in Afghanistan waning warns General -- The Daily Mail
Gadgets Give Soldiers in Afghanistan a Slice of Home -- Raw File/Wired

Taliban Targeting Candidates -- Voice of America editorial
In From the Cold -- New York Times editorial
A dubious battle for Afghan hearts and minds -- David Ignatius, Washington Post
Is This What Success Looks Like in Afghanistan? -- CBS News opinion

UK military deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq -- BBC

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