Max came into the care of Labrador Rescue South East & Central last month and was making his public debut at the Dogs Party.
I'd heard about Max already as Jo, a LRSE&C volunteer, had called me when she was arranging to get Max from his home and into foster with her. I remember the phone conversation as Jo asked my advice in dealing with skin problems - she had seen Max and said he was in a bad way, or "another Wiggle".
This is what Max looked like then:
And this is Max now:
Already, in such a short space of time, with love and veterinary care, Max is starting to grow his fur back:
I have to admit, when I crouched down to hug Max and he leaned into me, I cried. Max was just how Wiggle was - bald and leathery skin, bones that could be felt and that same sad face. And just like Wiggle, Max's skin condition can be treated. And just like Wiggle, Max's owners gave up on him.....
Now though, Max is being looked after and he's being loved and is becoming a happy, waggy boy.
I honestly didn't think I would meet "another Wiggle" but I know that now Max is in Jo's care and in the care of LRSE&C, he'll be ok. He's going to be as handsome as Wiggle and I know that whoever gets to adopt Max will be very lucky indeed.