100+ Strangers Challenge - Putting a Name With a Face

Stranger #105

Last November you might remember that my friend Bill and I took a little field trip to Joe Minter's house. That day I boldly marched up to Joe's front door and knocked. Nobody was home, but I got Bill out of his big white truck and we prowled all around Joe's African Village. It was amazing.

Fast foward to last Saturday's Art Walk 2010 downtown. I found some amazing artwork made from found objects and just guess who the artist was? Yes, Joe Minter. I introduced myself and told him I knew who he was and had been all over his yard. ( I also thanked him for not having us both arrested for trespassing!!!) He was delighted. I was so mesmerized by what he shared about his art, and what led him to create it, that I forgot to ask about the stick in his hand. I'm going to call it Joe's "Talking Stick". Joe Minter, Stranger # 105 , now a new friend.

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