What's up, Doc?

As some of you know, Scott spent last week in both Zambia and Zimbabwe. One of the things he did was visit our orphan program in Bulawayo. But while the trip went very well, he came home very sick. At first we thought he was having a relapse of Tick Bite Fever as the symptoms were much the same.

By Tuesday he was getting worse, so we consulted with our doctor in South Africa. He agreed that it could be a relapse of Tick Bite Fever, but since Scott had an overnight trip already scheduled to go into South Africa on Thursday, we decided I would drive him across the border and we would have him tested where there is a good doctor and lab. Jayden had also needed to see the doctor, so we left Gabe and Mariah with friends (they were happy they didn't have to make the trip) and headed off for the border.

Unlike our last trip to the border with the Sugarcreek team where it took us 18 1/2 hours, this trip went by quickly with no breakdowns! The Chinese are doing a great job in fixing the main road to the capital which is also helping make the trip shorter, so we made it to the doctor by three in the afternoon.

Scott, it turns out, doesn't have Tick Bite Fever, but instead has a serious case of bronchitis that was borderline pneumonia. With a powerful shot and some strong meds, Scott is already feeling better. Jayden is being treated for a parasite, (It's not as serious as it sounds) and is also doing much better.

Part of the reason for the original trip, was to help one of our disciples start up a shoe business. After spending the night in SA (and a quick hour in Kruger since we were right there) we met Isaiah in the capital, bought a carload of shoes, and headed home.

On another note, Isaiah is a part of our new micro-loan program we'll be sharing more about soon. As we focus on the spiritual and discipleship, we also believe it is very important to help people meet their physical needs as well. In the coming weeks, we'll be unveiling a project that we are really excited about as we strive to impact and transform the community we are working with.

These are a few photos from our trip, both the crowded streets of Maputo and the calm beauty of Kruger.



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