It was a long journey but we're at home in Leran. It is 2:00 am in France and I am wide awake. One moment I am lying in bed, sleeping peacefully and then, suddenly my eyes open and I can't sleep. Travelling eastward and dealing with jet-lag, seems to be more troublesome than traveling in a westerly direction, at least for me.
Fergus leapt out of his kennel in Toulouse, looked around, yawned, and generally acted as if he did this route every day. I guess he knows the routine by now, and has made his adjustments. The first time we brought Fergus to France, we arrived in Paris from Montreal, Quebec after a rather short flight. He was so rattled that we could not restrain him (while riding in the back of the rental car) and he inched forward, up between the bucket seats, onto the handbrake and past the gearbox as we went through Paris traffic, until he was sitting in Nancy's lap in the front seat. This time, we didn't have to fight him to get into the kennel and he was a perfect gentleman on the way from Toulouse to Leran.
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