The film stars James Franco as Ralston and is directed by Academy Award Winner Danny Boyle, the director who brought us Slumdog Millionaire. The trailer looks beautiful and it serves it's purpose to tease us for more. It certainly isn't what I expected, but in a good way. What are your thoughts?
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» Trailer for 127 Hours, the Aron Ralston Story, Hits The Web
Trailer for 127 Hours, the Aron Ralston Story, Hits The Web
The trailer for 127 Hours was released yesterday, giving us a glimpse of the film that will tell us the story of what it was like for Aron Ralston, the hiker who had his armed trapped beneath a boulder while hiking in the backcountry of Utah back in 2003. Eventually he was forced to amputate it himself, which saved his life and vaulted him to the public spotlight.
The film stars James Franco as Ralston and is directed by Academy Award Winner Danny Boyle, the director who brought us Slumdog Millionaire. The trailer looks beautiful and it serves it's purpose to tease us for more. It certainly isn't what I expected, but in a good way. What are your thoughts?
The film stars James Franco as Ralston and is directed by Academy Award Winner Danny Boyle, the director who brought us Slumdog Millionaire. The trailer looks beautiful and it serves it's purpose to tease us for more. It certainly isn't what I expected, but in a good way. What are your thoughts?