I was always a dog lover but my parents denied me the pleasure of being a dog owner all through my growing up years. I used to bring in INDog pups and beg Ma to let me keep them, but to no avail. As I grew older, my love for dogs became restricted to petting friendly street dogs or feeding them biscuits. After finishing college, I got busy with the mundane and INDogs took a backseat.
One fine winter afternoon, my husband and I decided to visit the Garden of Five Senses in Mehrauli. I had never been to the park though it was so close to my house, and my mood needed some cheering after a really awful week at work. When our trip was about to end and we reached an auditorium-like space, my eye caught sight of a pup that was coming down a rocky slope with his tail wagging. He looked happy to see me, as if we were long-lost friends. I had seen many pups before, INDog and otherwise, but never had I come across such an adorable doll.
Above: First picture of him ever!
I took an instant liking to him as I picked him up. One striking thing about him was his expressions. He was making such adorably cute faces as if conveying, "What is this girl getting so excited about me for?"
He was all by himself, no other pups around. After a few minutes of us taking pictures and videos of him, his mother came around. He went to her with his tiny tail wagging but she turned away. For us that was it. That was the moment when we decided to take him along with us.
The key issues remained, as I lived in a paying guest accommodation and my husband was sharing a room with his friends. There was nowhere we could keep him except for my mother's. Going by past experiences, Ma was sure to turn him down but I couldn't leave him there to die in the cold. By the way, did I mention that he was nice and fat? He was round and looked so cute when he walked on his tiny legs.
Another point to be noted is that he didn't need any rescuing. He seemed fine and happy in his natural habitat, his birthplace. The sole reason for picking him up was that he was simply too adorable to let go and now I can say, because it was meant to happen!
I put him inside my jacket and we drove 30 odd kilometers on a bike, with him sleeping on my thigh, to where my parents live. The minute she opened the door and saw him in my arms, her first reaction was "Oh my god he's so sweet," followed by a practical "Why did you bring him here?" The most beautiful thing that we recall now is the amazing comfort level this worried (judging by his expression) pup felt when he entered my mom's place. He started running around, met Ma and jumped into and slept in her lap. We were both astonished to see him transform himself with the confidence of someone in his own home.
Above: First meeting with Ma
Below: First nap at home
We named him Sam which has now become Sammy.
The next day we took him for his vaccinations, deworming and so on. A friend gave her little daughter's sweater for Sammy to wear, which you can see in his pictures.

Above: With his favourite toy in his tub
Below: Sammy likes the camera

All this was January 2008 and he was about 5 to 6 weeks old when I found him. Today he's become the light of our home.

Above: After some mischief
What is phenomenal is my mother's transformation from being neutral to dogs to someone who cannot be away from Sammy for a minute. He's the apple of her eye and she dotes on him unconditionally. Ma had never raised a pup before but we all learned as we went along.
Now two and a half years have passed and life without him is unimaginable; we sometimes wonder why we deprived ourselves of this love so long.

Above: Winter mood

We have never treated him as being any different from us. He is the son of the family and like a kid, he is never chained, even if there are guests at home, or prohibited from entering certain areas or sitting anywhere. He is extremely friendly and welcomes everyone inside our home. He then sits on people's feet to prevent them from getting out of the house!

When we brought him home, we didn't even think about the fact that he was an Indian dog. He was just an adorable pup who deserved to be with us, for our own selfish reasons of enjoying his cuteness. Now people ask us what breed he is.

Sammy is a wonderful gift of God. Like all INDogs, he is intelligent, healthy, affectionate and just as deserving of a loving home as any other dog in the world. We're lucky to have him and hope that many other families get to experience the joy that an INDog can bring into their lives.

Above: Favourite pose
Sammy has changed all of us in ways that only we know. I have become more kind and patient. He communicates so much even without speaking that it is simply amazing to see how identical he is in feeling things, expressions and reactions, to us. His unconditional love has changed our lives and made us understand the real meaning of a dog's company: one which is full of love and lots of laughter.

Story and photos: Juhee Dubey