Lady and the Tramp, Part 2

Our friend Brownie is on the beach most evenings, and playing with him is the high point of Kimaya's day. He loves running and he also loves splashing in the sea, so they have a lot in common.

Brownie has an amazing gift for preventing and resolving conflicts. He does this more than any other dog I've ever met. Much of his behaviour reminds me of Turid Rugaas's wonderful little book "On talking terms with dogs" - here's my post about the book and this is her website. He adores Kimaya and is very protective of her. He prevents other dogs from coming too close to her by getting in between them. In fact he does this frequently with different dogs too. Watch him in this video, he breaks up potential conflicts several times - Dogwatching on the beach

Above, below: The brown INDog in these pictures is actually a friend of Brownie's but he was worried that the dog might harm Kimaya. He had been playing with him but when we arrived on the beach he stood between the INDog and Kimaya and barked till the INDog went away.

And then it's time for pushing and shoving and racing...

Below: Brownie and Lalee

Above: I've taught Brownie to "sit" for a biscuit like Kimaya and Lalee, but here he got a bit impatient!

When Lalee and I are in Nagaon, Brownie always comes home with us for dinner. After a meal and an hour's nap he's taken back to his own home by our caretaker. He's often a dinner guest at our house when Lalee and I aren't there too. Sometimes he accompanies Kimaya and our caretaker home from the beach, but sometimes he comes over by himself and whines at our gate to be let in. His manners are excellent and even that stern critic, Tabbyrani, approves of him and allows him to sniff her a little.

We've tried having him sleep over at our place, but he just can't bear to be locked into a room and soon after midnight starts scratching the door and trying to get out. So we thought it best to drop him back to his own place for the night. His family own a tourist lodge and a plantation with a fence all around, so Brownie can roam the grounds at night but he can't get out.

Earlier posts featuring Brownie:

Nagaon dogs: Brownie
Sun, wind, joy
Lady and the Tramp

Note: All the beach pictures in this post were taken with my phone, because it was raining intermittently and I didn't want my camera to get wet.


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