Hello friends, Here's what's coming up in the Anchorage Parkinson's world. August meeting will be held the 21st, Saturday at 3;30in the Anchorage Pioneer home. Betty Berry would be glad to lead a concurrent meeting for caregivers, She asks those interested to please email her at (bberry2205@gci.net). She also writes
"I received a notice in the mail regarding a Senior Housing Fair sponsored by Providence to be held at the Senior Center Thursday, August 19.
Learn about housing options available in Anchorage and Mat-Su for seniors in the areas of : Independent housing - Assisted living - Skilled nursing care and more -(so states the notice.)
Thought this might be of interest to those in the Parkinson Support Group.
Our upcoming meeting will be open phones, sharing tips and experiences."
For the September meeting we will have a group from Swedish Hospital in Seattle including Peggy Short, Advanced Nurse Practitioner and DBS programmer, and Dr Ron Young, a neurosurgeon with nearly 30 years of DBS experience, who is now practicing at Swedish, This meeting will be held the 18th and will also be attended by Keely Daily of Medtronic, the makers of the deep brain stimulator.
If you have a topic you would like to explore at a future meeting please email me
A final note, Yoga Instructor Karen Greenwood will soon be offering a Yoga class for the movement impaired through her Anchorage Studio. We will offer to pay class fees for members of the Anchorage Parkison's Support Group. Yoga is recommended for flexibility, strength and balance. Any of you who feel like you are better than average in these important areas, raise your hand. No hands up? Great, I'll see you all there! More details to come.
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