Habitats and Hillforts project stage dig at Eddisbury Hill

THE Habitats and Hillforts project has been staging a four week archaeological dig at Eddisbury Hill Iron Age Hillfort.

Eddisbury hill fort, also known as Castle Ditch, is an Iron Age hill fort near Delamere, Cheshire, in northern England. The intention is to re-excavate trenches through the ramparts and one of the entrances that were originally opened up between 1936 and 1938 in order to expose the sections and recover charcoal samples for radiocarbon dating.

Project officer Dan Garner described the activities and progress from the first week.

He said: “The team has concentrated on re-excavating one of the hillfort entrances. The work so far has revealed spectacular preservation, with the stone flanking walls of the entrance still standing to approximately 1.5m in height.

“They have started to uncover parts of two stone built ‘guard chambers’ on the interior of the entrance and the sockets that would have originally contained the timber gate posts.

“This trench will be extended during this week in order to uncover the stone front of the hillfort’s rampart and the full extent of the entrance.

“The only artefacts recovered so far have been associated with the 1938 trench backfill.

“Nevertheless, they have included some interesting objects including pieces of 18th century pottery, glass and clay tobacco pipe as well as a glazed brick of late 16th or early 17th century date; which probably once formed part of a fireplace in one of the nearby farm buildings.”

The second week of the excavation saw the team being bolstered by students from Liverpool University who looked at an area of the hillfort known as Merrick’s Hill.

The scheme is supported by dedicated partners including Cheshire Community Action, English Heritage, Forestry Commission, National Trust, Woodland Trust, Cheshire Landscape Trust and private landowners as well as the Mersey Forest who are all committed to the overall success of the three year project.

Source: Chester Chronicle [August 10, 2010]

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