As Mattis Takes Helm Of CENTCOM, Gates Praises His Leadership -- Stars And Stripes
MacDILL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. — Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis took the reins of U.S. Central Command on Wednesday evening, capping a major shakeup in military leadership that began with the publication of a sensational Rolling Stone article in June and the ensuing resignation of the Afghanistan war’s top commander.
Mattis succeeds Gen. David Petraeus, perhaps the nation’s most popular man in uniform, who after helping turn around the war in Iraq spent two years building a reputation as a military-diplomat, crisscrossing the Middle East and glad-handing national leaders in an effort to expand the U.S. military footprint and build up a regional strategic partnership.
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More News On General Mattis Being Sworn In As Central Command Chief
Gates: Mattis Brings Experience, Continuity to Centcom -- U.S. Department of Defense
Mattis takes over as CENTCOM chief -- AFP
New CentCom chief vows to work with Mideast allies -- AP
Mattis Sworn In as Central Command Chief -- Wall Street Journal
Wednesday CENTCOM swearing-in for Mattis -- Marine Times
No rest for the warrior -- Politico