"Go Fish"

"Play a game of fish with me, Deb" How can I refuse. We batted those fish around for quite some time. Little Cally is doing her best to get along with Ebony and this is no easy task. Ebony has decided to not eat with Cally and keep at least 10 feet between them. That's ok, we'll take it slow and I'll help them along. It isn't easy for Ebony who has been alone for many years to accept a new (stray) cat into her home just as her owners are leaving for holidays. And a new cat-sitter! "YEOW"

I started feeding them on different floors and it has helped a pinch. At least I see now that Ebony is enjoying her dinner. We will take baby-steps and I have 10 days to work with them.

Poor Ebony sneaks by quietly

 Next, it is off to see Baby. She is waiting on breakfast and then she's outta here. She gets to sit amongst the flowers all day and here she is saying "howdy".


Such a busy life when you are a cat-sitter. Next stop was to pick up keys for clients starting tomorrow then off to a sign shop to have a sign done for my car that will read JUST CATS in-home cat-sitting service with my name, phone number and website. I do believe this is the best way to advertise and it will look kinda cute, don't ya think. Gary's just happy I'm not having the car painted. "Great idea, Gary"

Keys were dropped off tonight and 3 emails came in since noon for cat-sitting this weekend and next week. I will be hopping like a bunny this next few days. Did you know I have looked after bunnies too? Well, I have and they were so snuggly. I cared for them over Easter so I had chocolate ones and the real thing.

Hope you all had a great day. It's so beautiful here with the sunshine and the cool breeze. Lovin' it!
Oh yes, and look who was waiting for me when I arrived home.

Rae-Rae waiting for Nan.

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