Connected Principals - A Place for Leaders to Connect

Principal George Couros recognizes the tremendous amount of support he has received through places like Twitter, Facebook, other social networking sites, and his blog, which have inspired him to learn and share with many other great educators. George recently announced his next contribution to leading in the 21st century. Connected Principals, a blog comprised of a group of passionate school administrators who are sharing their views on education. The site serves as an organized resource with categories relevant to school leaders. The purpose is to share best practices by principals that they are currently doing in their respective schools.

While connecting with these other educators around the world isn�t a requirement to being a great leader, it definitely does help. While leaders can further their knowledge through a university course, or reading a book by a great business leader, George shares that he is finding that he is learning more from others that are in similar positions. What�s more, these are not great leaders of yesteryear, but these are educational leaders of today. Through them he sees unbelievable innovations everyday. The purpose of Connected Principals is to extend this learning to other school leaders. Couros believes that for lifelong learning leaders there needs to be time spent connecting with others. He shares that in doing so, he actually ends up saving time as he has an entire community helping his school to get better.

As George explains, this is not about technology. It is about connecting and sharing with others and technology can be a fantastic medium for this. It is still ultimately about the relationships you create. Connected Principals is a step in that direction. You can check out the site here. Please take a look and share if you are or have a great school leader who might be interested in reading, commenting, submitting a guest post or even becoming a contributor.

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