White Dog and The Other White Dog came home from the Groomer to find traveling bags out and me sitting on the bed making my famous "packing lists." White Dog immediately hopped up next to me and thrust her nose in her pink "Princess" bag..."What's up, mom?" she asked. "Nothing much," I replied. "Just starting to get things together for the weekend trip!" "Trip! We're going on a trip! Car rides! New Smells! A Trip!" both dogs started excitedly zooming around and chanting.
Steve's birthday is Monday and as part of his present we are taking the overworked human away for the weekend. We have rented a cabin in the mountains of Colorado outside of Durango. There is a lake and miles and miles of National Forest. Gregg, Candace, Dragon, and Michael will join us...so will Richard (which thrilled White Dog because "at least that way we won't starve in the wilderness.") We will leave Saturday morning and return on Monday night.
My hope had been to organize the stuff that could be packed now and do the grocery shopping on Friday night. But zooming Eskies do not make for calm organized stacking, list checking, and packing. The bags are out, everyone is excited, but the actual work will be accomplished very late tomorrow night (as per usual).
Meantime White Dog has checked her still empty bag six thousand four hundred twelve times and has, in the repetition, taught Quinn to copy her actions in our suitcase although he is not quite sure what he is looking for.