U.S. - South Korean War Games. Day 3

INVINCIBLE SPIRIT - The attack submarine USS Tuscon sails through the East Sea, July 26, 2010, while leading a 13-ship formation participating in the combined alliance maritime and air readiness exercise "Invincible Spirit." The United States and South Korea are conducting the exercise in the seas east of the Korean peninsula from July 25-28, 2010. This is the first in a series of joint military exercises that will occur over the coming months in the East and West seas. U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Adam K. Thomas

War Games Coincide With Korean War Armistice Anniversary -- Voice of America

A joint drill with U.S. forces off the east coast of South Korea on Tuesday featured naval cannons fired from ships and the dropping of depth charges.

Warships fired weapons and dropped anti-submarine bombs in the Sea of Japan during the third day of the four-day exercise, South Korean Defense officials say. They say the target was an abandoned submarine meant to simulate a submerged North Korean vessel. It is part of the largest show of force in the region jointly by the U.S. and South Korea in a number of years.

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More News On U.S. - South Korean War Games

Koreas mark truce, but drills underscore tensions -- AP
US, Korean naval crew stage military drills -- AFP
US, SKorean troops drop anti-sub bombs in drills -- AP
U.S.-S.K. Naval Exercises Go Live Fire -- FOX News
U.S.-S. Korea conduct live-ammo drills -- UPI
Rhetoric on high amid Korean war games -- CBC
Koreas mark truce, but drills underscore tensions -- Washington Times
Antisub Maneuvers Continue on Korean Peninsula -- Global Security Newswire
In pictures: US-South Korea war games -- BBC News

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