Happy Fourth of July! I hope that you all are having a most wonderful holiday weekend! Ours has been so much fun, so far! We arrived safe and sound in New Hampshire on Friday afternoon. The weather has been beautiful. Quite hot for NH, but after the sweltering 105 degree VA temperatures it is not so bad! It is such a wonderful place to be able to bring Lillabel in the summer because she LOVES to be outside! For the first time ever, we have even had to lock a few doors at my parent's house, because when we aren't looking she has tried to head outdoors on her own - haha! She has been fascinated with watching my dad out on the tractor haying the fields!
We had a fun little photo shoot with Lillie earlier today. She wore the newest dress my mom made for her, the Elizabeth Dress with Vintage Lace. We are having lots of fun trying out some new ideas for Dear Lillie! We still aren't sure yet if we are going to sell some of these new ideas, but are having a wonderful time playing around with them.
Anyway, here are some pictures (sorry, there are
tons of them):
She loved being down at the creek 

I think she's pretending to fish here!

And just to make you all feel better - I am not a completely reckless mother - my mom and sisters were right there to catch her, whenever she felt the urge to head into the water! Haha!
I hope you all have a blessed Fourth of July today!