The Original
Super Mario Flag
The most viewed flag in entirety of the known video game known universe is the Super Mario Flag. After the completion of each level Mario is supposed to jump on a flag pole. The higher he jumps the more points you get. You can get a maximum of 5000 points or a minimum of 100. Super Mario Brothers was made when getting points mattered.During the 80s high score arcade period: getting a high score allowed you write you name or initials on the public game cart. When I was a kid I really didn't care. But with today's internet it can sort of matter. It is possible for an arcade renaissance but games would have to be super gnarly! They have to be at least 3 steps beyond what home game systems can offer, like an X-99 Box , Wii Max III, and Play Station 6.

As the Super Mario Franchise grew, flags have come in and out of the series. But since the creation of the Nintendo Wii, the flags have made a comeback.
Who knows some day Nintendo may take my idea and the next Mario Game might be a wee bit educational? If they use real flags in the game, when you're done the game... instead of nearly mindless fun and a mild case of tunnel carpel syndrome.... you'd now know all about the flags of the world!

Mario Victory Flag Rises once you Finish a Level
note the colours are that of Japan: Red and White
note the colours are that of Japan: Red and White

Click the Video to Watch Mario Lower Green Flag and Raise Red Star Flag with Fire Works