Recently, Flavors of Brazil has featured some traditional recipes from Brazil which are unlikely to every be tested or tasted by this blog's readers - one or more of the ingredients are not commercially available in North America or Europe, where the bulk of Flavors of Brazil's readers come from. As one of the purposes of this blog is to share what I've learned of Brazilian culinary traditions, I don't intend to stop posting such recipes - I, for one, enjoy reading recipes that I know I'll never, ever cook, but that I find unusual, different or unique. I hope that the blog's readers do to.
However, it is also good, from time to time, to post recipes that are traditional Brazilian but which can be cooked with relative ease almost anywhere in the world. Such recipes can be equally interesting, and provide the added bonus of being straightforward and easy to cook at home. I continually look for such recipes to post on this blog.
The recipe below is one such recipe. It's a traditional dish from the state of Maranhão, a state which has been featured in several recent posts. It's called Rice with Kale (Arroz de Couve in Portuguese) and it's an easy, delicious and healthy side dish perfect for serving with meat or fish main courses.
Kale is a green that is has a prominent position in the cuisines of many regions of Brazil, such as Rio Grande do Sul, São Paulo and Minas Gerais. (Click here for kale cooked in the style of Minas Gerais.) It's available year round in supermarkets, and is one of the healthiest foods to be found. Give this recipe a try, I know it will end up being a favorite.
RECIPE - Rice with Kale (Arroz de Couve)
Serves 4
2 cups kale, washed, trimmed and cut into thin strips
1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
3 cups cooked long-grain white rice (freshly cooked or leftover)
salt to taste
In a large heavy saucepan, heat the oil over medium high heat. Add the strips of kale and cook, stirring constantly, for 2 minutes, or until the strips slightly wilt and turn a brilliant green. Stir in the rice, and heat, continuing to stir, until the rice and kale are thoroughly mixed, and the rice is coated with oil and heated through. Remove from heat.
Serve immediately.
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» RECIPE - Rice with Kale (Arroz de Couve)