Orchid Queen I am, I am

Orchid Queen

I love orchids and my daughter brought me home one to get me started. I look so happy and sure of myself in this picture but I am actually thinking "I give it a month". I sat it in the window and the breeze knocked it on the floor and it lost a flower. ("Bwaaaaaa"..that's me crying)
It was promptly put on the table. I added a baby one......it died.

I brought the remaining bits of the orchid into the kitchen and Gary knocked it with something (maybe his head) and off went another flower. ("GRRRRRR".....now I'm mad)

"I didn't do it."

I bought this one this summer. It doesn't look like this anymore. Half of it died. Committed suicide right in front of me. I even played James Taylor for it.  I need help. How do you grow orchids? Do they grow better in clay pots, plastic pots, wire hangers, ceramic pots, wicker baskets, tea-cups, emptied out coconut shells,  what!  Do they like music, blues, jazz, country, please.. not rap. Did I love them too much? Water them too little? Do they not mix well with cats?

Is there anyone out there that is amazing with orchids? I am pathetic!

Off to kitty-sit. Thanks for listening....Orchid Queen
OMgosh - I almost forgot something very special today. Kane turns 10. Must take him out for ice-cream tonight. "Happy Birthday, little buddy"

We have loved you for 9 years. Happy Birthday, little Buddy

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