Kopassus, friend of the CIA and Mossad (

On 22 July 2010, US Defense Minister Robert Gates said the USA is to resume ties with Indonesia's special forces regiment, Kopassus. (Rebuilding Kopassus)

Kopassus helped carry out the murders of around one million Indonesians in 1965-66.

The CIA gave the Indonesian military lists of people to be disposed of.

"In four months, five times as manypeople died in Indonesia as in Vietnam in twelve years." - Bertrand Russell, 1966. (CIA Compiled Indonesian Death Lists in 1965 / genocide in paradise )

Kopassus has been linked to the terror in East Timor, the Bali Bombs and various other violent acts.

Kopassus and the Jakarta hotel bombs

Dr David Kelly knew too much about Iraq.

Boris Karpichkov was a Russian spy.

In 1998, he fled to Britain.

He has now sent a dossier to UK Attorney General Dominic Grieve.

In this dossier, Karpichkov claims to relay information from an 'MI5 agent' that Dr Kelly was 'exterminated'.

Karpichkov says he got to know the 'agent', Peter Everett, while working for Everett's company Group Global Intelligence Services.

Group Global Intelligence Services, now dissolved, hired former MI5 spies for corporate detective work and infiltration.

"Karpichkov says that during one of their meetings, two days after Dr Kelly’s body was found, Mr Everett told him that Dr Kelly had been 'exterminated' for his 'reckless behaviour'. - dailymail - MI5 agent told Kelly exterminated.N


"When the dinner was about to be served a waiter serving the dinner appeared in complete undress except for a black hood, which he wore over his head with slits for the eyes...

"The nude waiter had a pink ribbon tied to his private parts and this eventually caused the dinner party to culminate in a perverted sex orgy upon the part of all the guests...

"They were highly placed officials and the nude waiter was a high-ranking Cabinet Minister." - dailymail - pillow talk-nuclear secrets.r

"The NHS employed 'too many who are lazy, unproductive, obstinate, militant, aggressive at every turn and who couldn't secure a job anywhere outside the bloated public sector where mediocrity is too often shielded by weak and unprincipled Hr policies'." - dailymail -NHS boss lazy staff claim.U

"From Spanish takeovers of Abbey National, ScottishPower and airports company BAA to India's purchase of British Steel owner Corus and Land Rover, iconic British companies have been swept up in a series of overseas smash and grab raids...

"Aside from Tomkins, the battery firm Chloride has been snapped up by US firm Emerson Electric and it looks as if International Power will succumb to the French. Scottish oil and gas company Dana Petroleum is in the sights of the Koreans." - Smash and grab: How can we save our iconic brands?

Exodus from Cadbury.

Health gap 'wider than in Great Depression'

In the UK, Patrick Mercer was appointed the Shadow Minister for Homeland Security - 'Tory MP left his mistress in love nest with £8000 bills'

Le Figaro has revealed that Nicolas Sarkozy has worked for Israeli intelligence. - French President Sarkozy: Israeli Spy!

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