White Dog and The Other White Dog were tired of napping...were tired of being trapped inside by the heat..were REALLY tired of the boring sameness (everything has been stilled by the heat; not even the birdies or the butterflies were flitting). When we gathered up Michael to go to his weekly meeting, both white dogs made it very clear that they were going along! So we loaded everyone into the car and cranked the AC to extra comfortable. After dropping Michael at the counselor, we took White Dog and TOWD to the big grassy park across the street. It was after seven and the big trees cast long shadows making the grass cool underfoot.
Nirvana to the pups! White Dog did zoomies for a solid five minutes while Quinn sniffed very vertical object within range. Then White Dog did something she has never done. She began trying to engage Quinn in her running play! She would zoom out about 100 yards from Steve then lie in the grass tail wagging in invitation. Quinn (leashed) trotted over and just before he reached her, WD zipped around and around him before taking off and starting the tease anew. Both seemed to enjoy the game.
When everyone was thirsty and worn out from the exercise, we took a clue from Prinnie and her family, since we still had time left in the hour, and made a vanilla ice cream stop at Dairy Queen. Both White Dogs thoroughly enjoyed the treat, the attention from passersby, and the fact that the routine had been broken!
Tomorrow is supposed to be as uncomfy...this news made both White Dog and The Other White Dog yawn with pre-boredom.