Is John Stape capable of murder?

Apparently so. Perhaps there's no point in saying any more about it. Stape cracks and Colin Fishwick bites the dust, ending up buried in what's left of Underworld. Stape goes to jail - might take a while, but he will - only upside of this being that we might get to see the fab Ted Robbins as a prison officer again.

I will be truly sorry to see Stape commit this awful deed. Kidnapping and identity theft are quite enough, thank you. Okay, we're well rid of Fishwick - we don't know him well, but his wardrobe speaks volumes - but nobody deserves to be murdered. And I don't want to see a Corrie character, especially one who I would see as a potential stalwart, go down this road. We've had plenty of Corrie crazies - mad Maya, Tony Gordon, you name 'em. John Stape should not be among them.

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