County Commission County Park Saga Continues, More Dog & Pony show Politics.

The tax payer money tree for attorneys representing the Jackson County Commission. More Dog & Pony Show Politics

Big news for today's County Commission meeting is Mr. Horrace Clemmons nominates himself and with one other vote he is elected to the Jackson County Park Board with a total of 2, TWO, votes, Mr. Jack Smith and Mr. Horrace Clemmons were the only 2 votes. Mr. Jack Allen and Mr. Gaylen Stone abstained from the vote. The interesting situation concerning this act is the Jackson County Commission terminated the Jackson County Park Boards authority to "oversee, maintain, direct, or control the public park known as the Jackson County Park." The commission having abolished all authority of the park board now votes a Commissioner to the Park Board. All with no explanation or reason explained to the public. Some on the Jackson County Commission seem to have forgotten they are public servants and not managing a private corporation for their personal amusement. I hope the Court takes note of this action. It almost seems the Jackson County Commission is playing "games" with the people of Jackson County.

Another big issue was the $9400 plus in attorney fees. Not counting the attorney fees being paid for the Park Boards attorney.

The County Commission adjourned once more into an Executive Session returning 20 minutes later and stated a decision had been made that the County Park will pay for an Electrical Engineer for the County Park. due to storm damage. The commission conducts more business in secret than they do in public. If only Alabama had a meaningful Open Meetings Law instead of a law that supports secrecy such as practiced by the Jackson County Commission.

Some of our distinguished leaders on the county commission seem to relish wasting money!

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